[ILUG-BOM] Re: Pitching Linux to corporates?

Devdas Bhagat devdas@[EMAIL-PROTECTED]
Fri Sep 22 11:45:06 IST 2006

On 22/09/06 10:47 +0530, krishnakant Mane wrote:
> hello Dinesh and jtd.
> as I said earlier from the experiences I got while trying to convince
> customers to use linux,  the two most common reasons they will give
> are,
> 1. linux is just a toy of research students and can't be used where
> critical data is being used.  it is a kind of time pass lab experiment
> just to show we can do some thing against m$ so it has nothing to do
> with real work.

Hmmm, perhaps they need to speak to Cisco, Nortel, Dlink, IBM, HP, NTT,
Reliance, NIC, LIC ....

> 2. it can't be used because it is very difficult to learn and unlike
> windows it is not at all user friendly.  the system wont even manage
> to do common tasks like surffing the internet and playing movies, let
> alone doing serious work.  no hardware is properly supported by linux
> and some hardware guys even tell their clients that it will damage
> your hadware.

The easiest answer to that is to carry a laptop along and actually
demonstrate these things.

> that's why I time and again appreciate microsoft for its great
> marketing brains.  these people who never even saw some high school

Lying, and using illegal means to obtain and enforce a monopoly? Ask
them if they support organised crime :).

> drop out called Bil gaits, just fall to his feet.
> I even have an example of how deep this is.  a few people asked me "if
> you don't have windows then how do you manage to start your computer"?
> although this is disappointing, this is the current condition.
> this is what stops people from using the tru, pure and free (of virus) OS.
> it is not so easy to break the market circle of microsoft.

The point is, you don't have to break that monopoly directly. Just
insist on using open formats and let everyone use the tools they want.
Don't send me a word document, send it to me in ODP is a much smarter
way of breaking the Office monopoly.

Breaking office will do more to hurt MSFT than trying to remove Windows.

Devdas Bhagat

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