[ILUG-BOM] Re: want to install yahoo messenger on ubuntu 6.06 how

krishnakant Mane researchbase@[EMAIL-PROTECTED]
Thu Sep 21 00:55:26 IST 2006

On 20/09/06, mehul <mehul.forums at gmail.com> wrote:
> Kopete and gaim are messengers which support multiple protocols like yahoo,
> msn, jabber, icq,irc  and more.
> Yahoo do supply with a version of yahoo messenger for linux platform. But,
> the last version of it was released ages back. IMO, it is better to use gaim
> or kopete to connect to yahoo then the messenging client supplied by
> yahoo. It is possible to see the full friends list with these clients.
can you please tell the process of getting this combination working?

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