[ILUG-BOM] Feb Meet and SELF Conference

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@[EMAIL-PROTECTED]
Sat Feb 3 14:31:26 IST 2007

On 03-Feb-07, at 2:07 PM, Vihan Pandey wrote:

>> yes, and went through hell un-squatting him. Finally had to pay him
>> off (could have gone to court but the delay would have killed me)
> Yikes! NOT a good situation. i think we ought to have a hall of  
> shame and
> boycott such companies. Even from a purely commercial angle, these  
> people
> MUST be taught a lesson. i guess let's have a hall of shame on our  
> website
> as for this. We could also have a meter which people can click on  
> saying :
> ``Total number of people agreeing to boycott so and so company".

there is a company called reduff or something. A friend booked a  
domain name through them. I was supposed to set up the site - so she  
went to the admin panel and tried to point the domain to my  
nameservers. The menu option was there, it said 'done', but the  
domain was not getting pointed. She contacted the co, they said it  
will take 48 hours to propagate. She kept trying for a week. Nothing  
happened. Then I tried and found redirection was not working - it had  
been disabled. She yelled at them, they denied it. I issued a legal  
notice with copy to dot in registrar and demanded 10,000 INR damages  
- they sent a courier with a refund immediatly.


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS
lawgon at au-kbc.org

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