[ILUG-BOM] help wanted regarding memory model in C program

romel dutta romel.dutta@[EMAIL-PROTECTED]
Wed Jan 31 15:56:26 IST 2007

hello everyone,

first of all my apologies to all,for asking a question that may be very
silly,but i am not ashamed to tell that i duuno the concept about this...
:-(,so i am ready to show my ignorance and not become ignorant my whole
life...anyway following is the question,and please can some one define it or
give some good link about it.It will be really helpful for me.

1) Where in memory exactly auto,static and extern(global) variables are
2) Detail explanation of the memory model of a C program.

I am confused where in memory these variables are stored and also what are
the stages in memory during compilation..
It will be very helpful for me,if someone guide me.
Thanks in advance.


You see things; and you say 'Why?';
But I dream things that never were;
and I say 'Why not?'
- George Bernard Shaw

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