[ILUG-BOM] Re: challenge: customise ubuntu basic system to run from USB disk

krishnakant Mane researchbase@[EMAIL-PROTECTED]
Tue Sep 19 12:32:22 IST 2006

On 19/09/06, jtd <jtd at mtnl.net.in> wrote:
What size ?
There are ready distros that run on 64 mb. U could also customize
knoppix. Knoppix use compression while storing the image, so can pack
more than normal stuff on the usb. There is a knoppix customization
howto available and is fairly easy to customize.
You could also customize kubuntu, but imo knoppix is better since the
heavy lifting is already done..
ok 64 mb nopix on a flash card or usb stick is good enough.  but I
need to do the following.
1. customise the distro to lonch my custom menu driven application
instead of standard bash.
2. put my own kernel instead of the one coming with it.
I don't want heavy modules and other softwares that may be coming with nopix.
and thirdly, I need to put speach synthesizer like festival.  the card
is 512 mb so no problem on that.
will I be able to do all this with that nopix 64 mb distro?
and I came across a bootloader called extlinux
may be that will help me some how.

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