[IHUG] Re: [fsug-bangalore] Hurd Hackers meet this weekend

प्रवीण् ए (Praveen A) pravi.a@[EMAIL-PROTECTED]
Sat May 13 17:59:56 IST 2006

Hi All,

 We met today and had a lot of discussions on the GNU/Hurd Operating system
and how we can start contributing to it.

We have identified some small tasks to do as a beginning.

1. GNU packaging/archives
   a. Investigate on UnionFS to use for the GNU packaging/archive -> Praveen
2. Email  as a Translator
   a. Investigate on SMTP -> Vikram Vincent
   b.                      IMAP -> Isaac
   c.                      POP -> (open to anyone interested to build  POP3
functionality to Email translator)
3./etc/password translator
   a. libtrivfs translator tutorial
 .... Open for anyone interested

4. Blog translator (for blogger, wordpress...)
5. Flickr translator
6. Documentation
  a. Setting up a GNU/Hurd Box - HOWTO -> Sandeep
  b. Translators HOWTO -> Arky

We will update the progress through the list (AB: we need a mailing list for
Looking forward to participation from others.

Happy Hacking

PS: Add your comments to http://hurd.in/bin/view/Main/Minutes

"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr
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