[FSUG-Bangalore] Re: [GPLv3-Conference] Proposed List of Volunteers' Responsibilities

Ramakrishna Reddy ramkrsna@[EMAIL-PROTECTED]
Thu Jul 27 12:44:59 IST 2006

 > Some other urgent work includes.
> 1. Inviting media people
In this case, we need a
> 2. Personal meetings to invite dignitaries
I can  volunteer for this, for Dignitaries, in and around Bangalore
> 3. Promotion of event in software industry.
Do we have any publicity Material ready, like posters, flyers to put up ?

I guess break-up volunteers into commitees ::
1. Hospitality - <any takers>
2. Sponsorship - Abhas & team
3. Media - Arky & James
4. Transport/ Travel (for speakers/ delegates)
5. Publicity - Vikram Vincent

Arun, do we have a template for request for sponsorship, I need it urgently.

Ramakrishna Reddy
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