[FSF India] [INFO] NetAction Site : Worth a Visit

Raj Singh fsf-india@gnu.org.in
Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:21:44 +0530 (IST)

<<NetAction>> (http://www.netaction.org/) site is worth a visit.

Extracts from [1999:ARTICLE] On MS Monopolizing US Education Market follow.

-- Raj


Microsoft Goes to College:

The US Education Software Market and Microsoft's Expanding Monopoly

Editor's Note:

This issue features an in-depth analysis by Nathan Newman of Microsoft's
strategy for monopolizing the U.S. higher education market. As Nathan
explains, if Microsoft succeeds in capturing the campus software market, it
could effectively turn our state university systems into private workforce
training programs. To help students mobilize against Microsoft's campus
software deals, NetAction intern Mitch Stoltz has created a Campus Action
Tool Kit, with samples of letters and petitions, a flyer which can be
printed for campus distribution, and tips for campus organizing.

You will find the Tool Kit at: http://www.netaction.org/msoft/edu/.