[FSUG-Bangalore] Fwd: [ox-en] Free Software, Free Society - Yes, we can! Yes, we will!

Anivar Aravind anivar.aravind at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 01:08:04 IST 2008

Come for FSFS. This is just a sample. More will be in the conference


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stefan Merten <smerten at oekonux.de>
Date: Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 11:53 PM
Subject: [ox-en] Free Software, Free Society - Yes, we can! Yes, we will!
To: list-en at oekonux.org
Cc: Stefan Merten <smerten at oekonux.de>

Hash: SHA1

Dear list,

please find included a talk I'm proud of going to present in
Thiruvananthapuram (India) next week.

You'll find it with a nicer layout under


As usual the fundament of the content is probably well-known here but
some newer insights are integrated.

Also as usual: Any feedback is wholeheartedly appreciated.



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Free Software, Free Society: Yes We Can! Yes We Will!

.. Goettingen

:Author: Stefan Merten

:Date: 2008-12-09..11, Thiruvananthapuram

:Organization: Project Oekonux

:Organization: www.oekonux.org

.. contents::

The Oekonux Project

A virtual project
- -----------------

* Oekonux = *Oekon*\ omie + lin\ *ux* (German)

 * I.e.: Economy + Linux

 .. class:: handout

    German roots but meanwhile international

* Discussion process about Free Software and society

 * Started in 1999

 * Wide range of opinions and fields

 * Common interest in emancipation

 * Featuring: Michel Bauwens

* Virtual project

 * Mailing lists

 * Web sites (http://www.oekonux.org/)

 * Wiki

* 4th Oekonux Conference

 * 2009-03-27..29, Manchester (UK)

 * Together with P2P Foundation

 * http://www.oekonux-conference.org/

.. highlights::

  Feel free to join!

Yes, we can: Free Software as a mode of production

What is a mode of production?
- -----------------------------

* Mode of production describes how a society reproduces itself

* Important features

 1. Products and means of production

 2. Societal embedding of production

 3. Productivity

.. highlights::

  Mode of production is the fundament of a society

  .. class:: handout

     That is why we need to look at when we think about a fundamental
     change in society

Examples for modes of production
- --------------------------------

.. class:: handout

  To give you an idea of what mode of production means

* Mode of production in feudalism

 * Agricultural production, peasants and artisans

 * Personal relations in communities

 * Aristocracy

 * Low productivity

* Mode of production in capitalism

 * Industrial production, workers

 * Exchange based relationships (aka money)

 * Democracy

 * High productivity

.. highlights::

  Mode of production shapes a society

Free Software as a new mode of production
- -----------------------------------------

.. class:: handout

  What is special about Free Software then?

.. list-table::
  :header-rows: 1
  :stub-columns: 1

  * *
    * Capitalism
    * Free Software

  * * Flow of goods
    * Property and abstract exchange
    * Free flow of goods

  * * Governance
    * Command and control
    * Volunteers and maintainers

  * * Reason to contribute
    * Alienated (earning money)
    * Enjoying task and project

  * * Societal vs. individual utility
    * Separated into different spheres
    * Directly intertwined

.. highlights::


     Yes, we can!

     -- Barack Obama

What is Selbstentfaltung?
- -------------------------

* Enjoying task and project = Selbstentfaltung

 * Opposite: alienation

* Two basic characteristics

 1. Having fun individually

 2. While maintaining a relationship to society

* Important expression: Volunteering for useful tasks

* Selbstentfaltung aims at absolute quality

 * If it is "your baby" you want to be *proud* of it

 * No boss stops you from doing so

 * Impossible if you need to make profit

.. highlights::

  Free Software releases the power of Selbstentfaltung

Other examples of this mode of production
- -----------------------------------------

* Wikipedia

 * Similar to Free Software in many respects

 * Openness, volunteers, transnational, ...

* OpenAccess

 * I.e.: Free Science

 * Grass root movement from the scientists

* More

 * Free Car projects

 * Free Music

 * Free Genetic information

 * ...

* General term: **peer production**

.. highlights::

  Peer production is generalizable beyond Free Software

Change we can believe in: Free Software as a germ form

.. class:: handout

  So far: Potential by a new mode of production

  Now: How it is going to happen

What is a germ form?
- --------------------

* Germ form theory describes how development happens

 * Originated in critical psychology (Holzkamp)

 * Explains how the human psyche came into being

 * Applicable to other fields

* Key characteristics of a germ form:

 1. Structurally new

 2. Emerging from and existing in the old

 3. Potential to take over

.. highlights::

  Germ form theory explains how fundamental change takes place

The five step model
- -------------------

1. *Emerging of the new*

  .. class:: handout

     * First appearances of the germ form

     * Think: Free Software in 1984

2. *Crisis of the old*

  .. class:: handout

     * Slump of the old forms

     * Think: Crisis of classical Unices on midrange servers

3. *Disseminating and expanding*

  * Germ form becomes important *in the old process*

  .. class:: handout

     * Think: Free Software today

  * Key question: Does the germ form keep its germ form features?

4. *Achieving dominance*

  .. class:: handout

     * Think: Proprietary software replaced by Free Software

5. *Restructuring of entire system*

  .. class:: handout

     * Restructuring of entire system

.. highlights::


     Change we can believe in!

     -- Barack Obama

Where do we stand today?
- ------------------------

* For software

 * Free Software is well in phase 3: *disseminating and expanding*

 * Pretty obvious

 * Earlier phases were hard to recognize!

* For society

 * Peer production is in phase 1: *emerging of the new*

 * Thus it is hard to believe that it has big potential

 * Also: Peer production will certainly change it's face

.. highlights::

  Don't hold you breath - but stay tuned

Capitalism as a germ form phenomenon
- ------------------------------------

.. class:: handout

  You may ask: Are there prior examples?


* *Emerging of the new* happened long ago

 .. class:: handout

    Earliest forms appeared during the Roman Empire

* *Crisis of the old* happened when the feudal principles exhausted

 .. class:: handout

    For instance: Religious schism in the Christian church

    For instance: European Enlightenment and new forms of science
    transcended feudal principles

* *Disseminating and expanding* started with early textile industry

* Capitalism has *achieved dominance* in the 20th century

* Restructuring society is still not fully complete

* Important: Society changed *after* the productive fundament allowed

 * Technical revolution was a precondition for a change of the mode
   of production

.. highlights::

  A new mode of production starting as a germ form *can* take over

Yes, we will: A peek into the future

The Utopia
- ----------

.. class:: handout

  How will society look like after restructuring?

  However: predictability is very limited

  But on an abstract level things can be said

* Societal useful activities are Selbstentfaltung

* More automation reduces unwanted activities

* All goods are freely available

* Overcoming labor society

 * No commodities, no labor

 * No exchange, no money

 * No alienation

.. highlights::

  The start of a new era

Free information goods
- ----------------------

* The idea of Free Software spreads out already

 * Seen: Wikipedia, OpenAccess

 * Also: Free music, blogs, ...

 * Upcoming: Free genetic information, ...

* Creative Commons licenses as an important step

.. highlights::

  This happens already

Free material goods - the practical approach
- --------------------------------------------

* Free design communities

 * Free car design

 * Appropedia

 * ...

 * Make production cheaper

* User contributions become more important

 * Some corporations start to include user contributions

 * Gives them an advantage in competition

 * See: Eric v. Hippel

* Key question: Access to expensive means of production

.. highlights::

  First steps in the right direction

Free material goods - the theoretical approach
- ----------------------------------------------

* Historical example: Capitalism and agricultural production

 * Agricultural production was key in feudalism

 * Agricultural production still exists

 * Agricultural production is an appendage of industrial production

 * Proves: The focus of society moved

* Now: Material production becomes an appendage of information

 * Information already *is* an important precondition for material

.. highlights::

  Overall restructuring removes material production from the focus

Wrap up

- -------

* Peer economy establishes a new mode of production

* Germ form theory shows how this mode of production can develop

Thank you
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* Thank you for your attention

* More on this: http://www.oekonux.org/

* Contact: smerten AT oekonux.de

* 4th Oekonux Conference

 * *Free Software and Beyond - The World of Peer Production*

 * 2009-03-27..29, Manchester (UK)

 * http://www.oekonux-conference.org/

* Questions? Comments?

 * Selbstentfaltung unleashes creativity

   * Being creative is fun

   * Creating requires responsibility

   * Creating useful things relates to society

..  LocalWords:  rst en OekonuxWiki Merten Thiruvananthapuram Oekon omie lin ux
..  LocalWords:  Bauwens aka Barack Obama Unices Goettingen Appropedia Hippel
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>

Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
Contact: projekt at oekonux.de

Any responsible politician should be encouraging a home grown Free
Software industry because it creates the basis for future jobs.
Learning Windows is like learning to eat every meal at McDonalds.

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