[FSUG-Bangalore] Vikram's session at Amrita eng College

Senthil Sundaram (sensunda) sensunda at cisco.com
Wed Aug 6 16:30:21 IST 2008

vikram vincent :  session at amrita eng college - managed to be there
for a short time
cool things
They have bunch of enthu students and a teacher who is excited about
free software
some aspects of the session i remember
started with video - Truth Happens
what motivates or inspires the free software community
Free software is about "the quality of sharing" - the quality very inate
in us - appeal to that - how our mother told us its good to share food
and choclates when we were young
sharing vs PIRATE 
hacker vs cracker : who is a hacker - a cool - innovative guy - vs
destructive guy
century of steel - century of information : the question of control :
who controls - whose hands should the key be with in the information
century  - users - us or owners..
how much code we write we own - how much code  we write for our country
- how much we write in our languages - localisation
Open source vs free software
History of free software - with more clarity and emphasis : on freedom 
right to copy - copy right - copy left : the gpl innovation 
ended with distribution of a few posters..
demo of cool free software is going on right now!!
How secure is  free software ? Why doesnt it give us a warranty
What are the business models in free software ? 

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