[FSUG-Bangalore] Interview with Debian Devleoper from IITM Varun Hiremath

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 17:20:44 IST 2008

Which project do you currently contribute to?

I am a Debian Developer and I am currently maintaining about 135
packages in Debian. This is my Debian QA page where you will find the
list of packages I am currently maintaining in Debian:


Apart from Debian I have been contributing to many open source projects:

1) I am author of open source project python-gastables: python modules
for compressible gas flow calculations: Homepage:

2) I am also author of Krickscore - KDE applet for cricket scores.

Homepage: http://varun.travisbsd.org/krickscore.php

3) I have been contributing to Jajuk - Advanced Juke box project,
where I am working as a Developer and Debian package maintainer.
Homepage: http://jajuk.info/index.php/Main_Page

4) I am also currently maintaing pidgin-festival ( formerly knows as
festival-gaim). I rewrote festival-gaim to make it work with the new
pidgin API. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pidgin-festival/

How does it feels to have two DDs from neighbouring rooms?

(Kumar Appaiah stays next to my room)

It is a big advantage having him next door because we get to learn a
lot from each other. Usually there is a lot of activity going on in
Debian, and it becomes very difficult to keep track of things; having
another DD next door really helps a lot to catch up with action.

Read More about Varun at


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