[FSUG-Bangalore] Feeback about last weeks install fest

Senthil Sundaram (sensunda) sensunda@[EMAIL-PROTECTED]
Mon Jul 23 10:38:30 IST 2007

Hi All,

Here is some feed back we collected about the event last week.
Good Job!!!
1) The free software event was really useful. In fact, I got to know the
origin of free software and the correct meaning "free" software only
after attending the event.
The pot-luck was always really good, particularly the chicken dish. :-) 
Most importantly, I met many people at the session and exchange of ideas
was great.
2)Congratulations! on organising such a great event..
I think the presentation was fabulous. It was very well made and was put
across in a a way where it made an impact.
Meeting up to exchange ideas and finding out what people are upto is a
good idea.
Was great to be a part of the event..
1) Thanks to all others who organised the event. For me it was a great
exposure. Even getting soemthing as basic as -free as in freedom and not
free as in freebies is what FS means was very exciting. 
2) Yes, we have switched one computer at office to Ubuntu already,
thanks to the session and Ashish's high energy levels. Hopefully Balaji
will be able to make it to office on Saturday and we can figure out an
equivalent for SPSS and how to work smoothly on open office spreadsheet
also and then our transition would be complete. 
The film and presentation were quite good!

- Kamayayini

Need to improve
I felt people were still apprehensive about various applications running
on Linux. Lot of time went in trying to convince that such (e.g.: Baraha
kind of
documentation) things (i.e, not the Baraha tool as such) are indeed
It would have been easy if you just showed how to it. When there is a
specific query, better demonstrate right away, if possible. For example,
it was so simple to demonstrate the USB stick works.
In summary, come prepared to run few applications and interface device
access.  These are the fundamental things that people expect in a demo
like this.
The presentation was useful to me.
 -Ravi A
>> point taken ! will show kannada stuff nex time
Well being honest i thought the pre-lunch half was really good, but the
next was more of a techie session and left us non-techies out. Maybe
dividing into groups would be a good idea. One computer or laptop per
group kind of a thing. 
>> point taken

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