[Fsf-friends] Microsoft to set up university in (Bangalore)city

Linux Lingam linuxlingam@[EMAIL-PROTECTED]
Tue Jul 17 18:47:36 IST 2007

On 7/17/07, Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> My thoughts below:
> On 7/16/07, Linux Lingam <linuxlingam at gmail.com> wrote:
> > 6) lobby with other education institutions in india, to set up the
> > example "to become the change you want to see in the world". hey!
> > we've got thousands of colleges and universities across india. if over
> > time enough create a juggernaut of mukt education, i hope parents and
> > students feel rather silly to pay for education that will probably
> > give them shop-talk.
> Have you started work on it?

yes, since circa 2004. in my own individual capacity and in whatever
limitations that offers me:

a) authored copyleft whitepapers "guerilla warfare for gyaan" and
"seven steps to software samadhi"

b) conducted several dozen talks across india, to whichever university
or college invites me, based around the above topics and a few more.
my target is to touch atleast 10,000 students and let them further
build this grassroots movement. i estimate so far i must have touched
about 4,000 students. need to eat more of them. :-) and willing to
take time-out from regular work to do this. as always.

c) at places where i have worked as a visiting faculty, have conducted
migration festivals, dual-booted the entire college or departments'
computers. in or two places got the local lug to hold their lug meet.

d) as visiting faculty, have always designed my own courses. these
courses augment the proprietary-software-based courses with FOSS
software and course-resources.

e) encourage students from newmedia and design to share their work
under a creativecommons or copyleft license. support from sarai and
linux-delhi helps make this possible at creative.linux-delhi.org

and a few more things.

nothing significant. nothing dramatic.
but i sleep content at night.


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