[Fsf-friends] .Emacs and .gnus.el file

Anand Babu ab@gnu.org.in
Thu Apr 1 21:01:38 IST 2004

,----[ "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <fred@bytesforall.org> ]
| Could someone share with me the file please? Hi AB, how are things? FN
Hi Fred,
Just finished building worlds second fastest super computer running
4096 IA64 processors, 8 TB RAM, quadrics interconnect and 
"100% free software". All the software I wrote for it are available
under GNU GPL.

Here are my un-cooked .emacs and .gnus.el files

;; ab's .emacs file
  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(add-log-mailing-address "ab@gnu.org.in" t)
 '(backup-by-copying t)
 '(case-fold-search t)
 '(current-language-environment "English")
 '(delete-old-versions t)
 '(dired-listing-switches "-Dhl" t)
 '(dired-recursive-copies (quote always))
 '(dired-recursive-deletes (quote top))
 '(global-font-lock-mode t nil (font-lock))
 '(gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments (quote all))
 '(gnus-gcc-mark-as-read t)
 '(gnus-no-groups-message "No new messages. Cool!, You are free now.")
 '(gnus-novice-user nil)
 '(imap-default-user "ab")
 '(mail-from-style (quote angles))
 '(mail-mode-hook (quote (flyspell-mode)))
 '(mail-yank-prefix nil)
 '(mc-gpg-comment "Processed by Mailcrypt" t)
 '(mc-gpg-user-id "ab@gnu.org.in" t)
 '(message-citation-line-function (quote ignore))
 '(message-from-style (quote angles))
 '(message-mode-hook (quote (flyspell-mode)))
 '(message-yank-cited-prefix "")
 '(message-yank-prefix "")
 '(save-place t nil (saveplace))
 '(show-paren-mode t nil (paren))
 '(text-mode-hook (quote (turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook-identify)))
 '(transient-mark-mode t)
 '(user-full-name "Anand Babu")
 '(user-mail-address "ab@californiadigital.com")
 '(version-control t))
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.

(menu-bar-mode nil)
(global-set-key "\M-g" 'goto-line)
(global-set-key "\M-a" 'bbdb-show-all-recipients)

;; Provide cool "quoting" of inserted text
(require 'boxquote)
(defun boxquote-region-message ()
  "boxquote a reply region in a message"
  (fill-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
  (boxquote-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
  ;;(boxquote-title (message-fetch-field "To")))
  (boxquote-title (mail-header-from message-reply-headers)))

(defvar ab:boxquote-map
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key m (kbd "b")   'boxquote-paragraph)
    (define-key m (kbd "i")   'boxquote-insert-file)
    (define-key m (kbd "p")   'boxquote-paragraph)
    (define-key m (kbd "r")   'boxquote-region)
    (define-key m (kbd "t")   'boxquote-title)
    (define-key m (kbd "u")   'boxquote-unbox)
    (define-key m (kbd "m")   'boxquote-region-message)
    (define-key m (kbd "C-y") 'boxquote-yank)
    (define-key m (kbd "C-k") 'boxquote-kill)
  "Keymap for boxquote functions.")
(global-set-key  (kbd "C-c q")    ab:boxquote-map)

(require 'mailcrypt-init)

(load "~/lib/emacs/back2dir.el")
(load "~/lib/emacs/eval-replace-hacks.el")

;;; .gnus.el: ab's imap configuration.

(require 'bbdb)
(bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message 'w3 'sc)

;;      '((if (message-news-p)
;;            "sent-news"
;;          "\"Sent\"")))

(setq message-yank-prefix ">")
(setq gnus-novice-user nil)
(setq mail-from-style 'angles)
(setq mail-mode-hook '(flyspell-mode))
(setq message-from-style 'angles)
(setq message-mode-hook '(flyspell-mode))

(global-set-key "\C-p" 'gnus-summary-delete-article)
(global-set-key "\M-TAB" 'bbdb-complete-name)

;;; Say how Gnus is to store the mail.  We use nnimap groups.
(setq gnus-select-method '(nnimap "imap.californiadigital.com"))
;; (setq gnus-select-method '(nnml "gnu-india.org"))
;; (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "gnu-india.org")))

(setq gnus-message-archive-method '(nnimap "imap.californiadigital.com"))
(setq gnus-message-archive-group "INBOX.Sent")

(setq mail-sources '((imap :server "imap.californiadigital.com"
			   :mailbox "INBOX"
			   :user    "ab"
			   :password "XXXXXX"
			   :predicate nil ; Get all mail in "INBOX".
			   :fetchflag "\\Seen"
			   :dontexpunge t
 		     (pop :server   "gnu-india.org"
  			  :user     "ab@gnu-india.org"
  			  :password "XXXXXX"
  			  :authentication "apop")

;;; nnimap splitting
(setq nnimap-split-crosspost t)
(setq nnimap-split-inbox '("INBOX"))
(setq nnimap-split-rule
      '(("INBOX"     "")))

(setq nnmail-split-abbrev-alist
      '((any . "from\\|to\\|cc\\|sender\\|apparently-to\\|resent-from\\|resent-to\\|resent-cc")
	(mail . "mailer-daemon\\|postmaster\\|uucp")
	(to . "to\\|cc\\|apparently-to\\|resent-to\\|resent-cc")
	(from . "from\\|sender\\|resent-from")
	(list . "list-id\\|x-mailing-list\\|to\\|cc\\|sender")))

;;; nnmail splitting
(setq nnmail-split-methods 'nnmail-split-fancy
      ;; Messages from the mailer daemon are not crossposted to any of
      ;; the ordinary groups.  Warnings are put in a separate group
      ;; from real errors.
      '(| ("from" mail (| ("subject" "warn.*" "mail.warning")
	  ;; Non-error messages are crossposted to all relevant
	  ;; groups, but we don't crosspost between the group for the
	  ;; (ding) list and the group for other (ding) related mail.
	   ;;(| (any "ding@ifi\\.uio\\.no" "ding.list")
	   ;;   ("subject" "ding" "ding.misc"))
           ;; Other mailing lists...
	   (any "fsf-edu@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-wg@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-wg@mm\\.gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-discuss@mm\\.gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-friends@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-friends@mm\\.gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "bug-hurd-admin@gnu\\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs")
	   (any "l4-hurd@gnu\\.org" "L4_Hurd")
	   (any "bug-hurd@gnu\\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs")
	   (any "debian-hurd-request@lists\\.debian\\.org" "Debian_GNUslashHurd")
	   (any "linux-kernel-digest.*" "Linux Kernel Digest")
	   (any "gnuyahoo-bugs@lists\\.sourceforge\\.net" "GNUYahoo")
	   (any ".*guile-devel.*" "GuileDevel")
	   (any ".*guile-user.*" "GuileUser")
	   (any ".*guile-sources.*" "GuileSources")
	   (any "fsf-edu@mm\\.gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-india-dev@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-india-prog@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-india@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "gnu-india@gnu-india\\.org" "GNU_India")
	   (any "reader-list@sarai\\.net" "Sarai")
	   (any "\\(linux-delhi@lists\\.linux-india\\.org\\|ilugd@wpaa\\.org\\)" "LinuxDelhi")
	   (any "compsci99@yahoogroups\\.com" "CompSci99")
	   (any "@citicorp\\.com" "CitiBank")
	   ;; Both lists below have the same suffix, so prevent
	   ;; cross-posting to mkpkg.list of messages posted only to 
	   ;; the bugs- list, but allow cross-posting when the
	   ;; message was really cross-posted.
	   ;; (any "bugs-mypackage@somewhere" "mypkg.bugs")
	   ;; (any "mypackage@somewhere" - "bugs-mypackage" "mypkg.list")
	   ;; People...
	   ;; (any "larsi@ifi\\.uio\\.no" "people.Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen"))
	   (any "rms@gnu\\.org" "RMS")
	   (any "ab@gnu\\.org\\.in.*" "gnu-org-in")        
	   (any "ab@gnu-india\\.org" "gnu-india-org")
;;	   (any "ab@fig\\.org" "fig-org")
;;	   (any "anand.babu@californiadigital\\.com" "CaliforniaDigital")
	  ;; Unmatched mail goes to the catch all group.

;; Let's say you subscribe to a couple of mailing lists, and you want
;; the articles you have read to disappear after a while:
;; (setq gnus-auto-expirable-newsgroups
;;      "GNUslashHurd_Bugs\\|L4MicroKernel")

;; move all auto-expired mails to nnml:expired group instead
;; deleting
(setq nnmail-expiry-target "nnml:expired")

;;; .gnus.el: ab's POP3 configuration.

;; ;;; Say how Gnus is to store the mail.  We use nnml groups.
(setq gnus-select-method (quote (nnml "gnu-india.org")))
(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods nil)

;; (setq mail-sources (quote ((pop :server "gnu-india.org" :user "ab@gnu-india.org" :password "XXXXXXX" :authentication apop))))

(setq mail-sources '((pop :server   "gnu-india.org"
 			  :user     "ab@gnu-india.org"
;; 			  :password "XXXXXXX")))
 			  :password "XXXXXXX"
 			  :authentication "apop"))) ;; secure POP protocol
;;		     (file :path "~/Mail/archive")))

;; Archiving articles
; Set up the archiving.
; In plain terms:
;   - Everything will be stored under ~/Mail/archive directory.
;   - mail will be stored under that directory in mail/YYYY-MM
;     by date.
;   - News articles are stored in file news/posted.
(setq gnus-message-archive-group "Archive")

(setq gnus-message-archive-method
      '(nnfolder "archive"
		 (nnfolder-directory   "~/Mail/archive")
		 (nnfolder-active-file "~/Mail/archive/active")
		 (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil)
		 (nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)))

(setq gnus-ignored-from-addresses
      (concat "\\(ab@californiadigital\\.com\\)\\|"

;; Disable CC: to self in wide replies and stuff
(setq message-dont-reply-to-names gnus-ignored-from-addresses)

;;  when a new followup arrives in a thread, I see the previous
;; messages from that thread, too
;; (setq gnus-fetch-old-headers t)

;; By default, if you have auto expiry switched on, Gnus will mark all
;; the articles you read as expirable, no matter if they were read or
;; unread before.  To avoid having articles marked as read marked as
;; expirable automatically, you can put something like the following in
;; your `.gnus' file:
;; (remove-hook 'gnus-mark-article-hook
;; 	     'gnus-summary-mark-read-and-unread-as-read)
;; (add-hook 'gnus-mark-article-hook 'gnus-summary-mark-unread-as-read)

;; And before you leave for lunch, you hit C-c C-M-x, or M-x
;; gnus-group-expire-all-groups RET
;; (remove-hook 'gnus-summary-prepare-exit-hook
;;             'gnus-summary-expire-articles)

(setq nnmail-split-abbrev-alist
      '((any . "from\\|to\\|cc\\|sender\\|apparently-to\\|resent-from\\|resent-to\\|resent-cc")
	(mail . "mailer-daemon\\|postmaster\\|uucp")
	(to . "to\\|cc\\|apparently-to\\|resent-to\\|resent-cc")
	(from . "from\\|sender\\|resent-from")
	(list . "list-id\\|x-mailing-list\\|to\\|cc\\|sender")))

(setq nnmail-split-methods 'nnmail-split-fancy
      ;; Messages from the mailer daemon are not crossposted to any of
      ;; the ordinary groups.  Warnings are put in a separate group
      ;; from real errors.
      '(| ("from" mail (| ("subject" "warn.*" "mail.warning")
	  ;; Non-error messages are crossposted to all relevant
	  ;; groups, but we don't crosspost between the group for the
	  ;; (ding) list and the group for other (ding) related mail.
	   ;;(| (any "ding@ifi\\.uio\\.no" "ding.list")
	   ;;   ("subject" "ding" "ding.misc"))
           ;; Other mailing lists...
	   (any "fsf-edu@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-wg@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-wg@mm\\.gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-discuss@mm\\.gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-friends@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-friends@mm\\.gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "l4-hurd@gnu\\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs")
	   (any "l4-hurd-request@gnu\\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs")
	   (any "bug-hurd-admin@gnu\\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs")
	   (any "bug-hurd@gnu\\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs")
	   (any "debian-hurd-request@lists\\.debian\\.org" "Debian_GNUslashHurd")
	   (any "linux-kernel-digest.*" "Linux Kernel Digest")
	   (any "freeipmi-devel@nongnu\\.org" "FreeIPMI")
	   (any "*.freehoo.*" "Freehoo")
	   (any "gnuyahoo-bugs@lists\\.sourceforge\\.net" "GNUYahoo")
	   (any ".*guile-devel.*" "GuileDevel")
	   (any ".*guile-user.*" "GuileUser")
	   (any ".*guile-sources.*" "GuileSources")
	   (any "fsf-edu@mm\\.gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-india-dev@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-india-prog@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "fsf-india@gnu\\.org\\.in" "FSF_India")
	   (any "gnu-india@gnu-india\\.org" "GNU_India")
	   (any "reader-list@sarai\\.net" "Sarai")
	   (any "\\(linux-delhi@lists\\.linux-india\\.org\\|ilugd@wpaa\\.org\\)" "LinuxDelhi")
	   (any "compsci99@yahoogroups\\.com" "CompSci99")
	   (any "@citicorp\\.com" "CitiBank")
	   ;; Both lists below have the same suffix, so prevent
	   ;; cross-posting to mkpkg.list of messages posted only to 
	   ;; the bugs- list, but allow cross-posting when the
	   ;; message was really cross-posted.
	   ;; (any "bugs-mypackage@somewhere" "mypkg.bugs")
	   ;; (any "mypackage@somewhere" - "bugs-mypackage" "mypkg.list")
	   ;; People...
	   ;; (any "larsi@ifi\\.uio\\.no" "people.Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen"))
	   (any "rms@gnu\\.org" "RMS")
	   (any "ab@gnu\\.org\\.in.*" "gnu-org-in")        
	   (any "ab@gnu-india\\.org" "gnu-india-org")
;;	   (any "ab@fig\\.org" "fig-org")
;;	   (any "anand.babu@californiadigital\\.com" "CaliforniaDigital")
	  ;; Unmatched mail goes to the catch all group.

;; Let's say you subscribe to a couple of mailing lists, and you want
;; the articles you have read to disappear after a while:
;; (setq gnus-auto-expirable-newsgroups
;;      "GNUslashHurd_Bugs\\|L4MicroKernel")

;; move all auto-expired mails to nnml:expired group instead
;; deleting
(setq nnmail-expiry-target "nnml:expired")

;;; Make Gnus into an offline newsreader.
;; (gnus-agentize)

Free as in Freedom <www.gnu.org>

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